Evolving a Sustainable Future
A world beset with new challenges requires innovative thinking and a more imaginative approach. Impact investment specialists in evolving a sustainable future, Primal Group offers the solutions needed to sustain a global population racing away to 10 billion by 2050.
About Primal
The Primal Group of Companies is dedicated to establishing itself as a lead organization, driving change to create a more tenable future for our planet by ensuring environmental protection, social responsibility and value-creation, for generations to come. One of the greatest challenges our current generation faces is to transform the archaic system of current industry into one that guarantees the needs of all are met in a safe and sustainable way. Primal enables solutions towards mankind’s most significant challenges by engaging in high impact investment projects that ensure a secure, accessible and long-lasting resource supply for all.
In a world demanding and deserving of higher social responsibility, sustainable business will ensure a more conscious and profitable future for us all.
Impact investment specialists in evolving a sustainable future, Primal is dedicated to providing solutions that ensure lower risk and higher returns over traditional asset classes. We engage in projects that offer sustainable solutions to the world’s most significant challenges, selected through our Primal criteria spanning environmental, social and economic impact.
We Participate in the UN Global Compact
A call to companies to align strategies and operations with universal principles on human rights, labour, environment and anti-corruption, and take actions that advance societal goals.
Primal Publications
A selection of our reports and publications that provide value-added knowledge, technical and commercial data in a range of topics relevant to Primal mission.
Latest News

Throughout history, mankind has proven ingenuity, as individuals and in small groups, sufficient for the immediate requirement, but rarely are these solutions viable for the long term. Even in fulfilling our most primal of needs, to cultivate food has thus far proven to be limited in its longevity. The Green Revolution of the 1960s was...

To our stakeholders: It is with determination and a great sense of purpose that I reaffirm Primal Group’s commitment to the Ten Principles of the United Nations’ Global Compact in the areas of Human Rights, Labor, Environment and Anti-Corruption. “Doing Good for the World, by Doing Good Business” Committed to the Global Compact since 2015,...

During our yearly “Praia Limpia” (Beach Clean-Up) Initiative, we travel to nearby beaches, together with our employees, their families and kids from local schools, to collect plastic which we then send to a recycling facility. Since it is not easy to draw the attention of everyone who would like to participate in such actions, we...

“One of the most important trade deals of all time.” Jair Bolsonaro, President of Brazil In 1999, the European Union and Mercosur started negotiations on a trade deal. Twenty years after negotiations began, both sides have now reached a historic free-trade agreement. The agreement aims to cut or remove trade tariffs, making imported products cheaper for consumers while also boosting exports...
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To request further information or speak to a member of the Primal team.
+1 786 292 5256

We have the capacity to create a remarkably different future; one that can restore ecosystems, reduce carbon in the atmosphere and protect the environment while bringing forth innovation, prosperity, employment and security.