Our Latest News

The $12 Trillion Opportunity

The world is reaching a crossroads. Global inequality has reached unprecedented levels with eight of the world’s richest men owning the same wealth as the 3.6 billion poorest people, almost half of humanity. More than 150 million children are forced into labor each year and an unprecedented 65 million people have been displaced around the world due to war and persecution. Environmental risks, from climate change to water security, are becoming increasingly severe. While some governments have responded to these grand challenges with nationalistic protectionism, businesses and investors are choosing instead to adopt a more nuanced approach to return on investment.…

Identifying Catalysts for Growth in a Complex World

There is a palpable atmosphere of change in the world with United States President Donald Trump celebrating his first 100 days in office, the United Kingdom’s exit from the European Union and the resurgence of protectionism across many developed economies. Investors around the world are asking themselves three significant questions: Will such profound change in policy drive economic growth? What are the risks of this new global environment? How do I ensure sustainable wealth creation?

Change is seemingly welcome as the global economy shows promising signs of improvement. The International Monetary Fund expects global economic growth to rise from 3.1% in 2016 to 3.5% in 2017 and 3.6% in 2018.…

How to Achieve Sustainability in our Cities

Take a close look at any of the world’s major cities, from London to New York, Sydney, Tokyo, Shanghai and Bangalore, and you can clearly see humankind’s impressive rate of socioeconomic development. Urban centers have become a powerful source of innovation and prosperity in this rapidly changing world and, as a result, they have the profound opportunity and responsibility to become global leaders in sustainability efforts.

Global cities occupy 2% of the world’s surface and yet they are home to more than half of the world’s population (3.75 billion people), responsible for 75% of global energy consumption and 80% of CO2 emissions.…

Brazil’s Agenda for Investment and Economic Growth

Showing clear signs of recovery, Brazil’s economy is growing at its fastest rate since the peak of the commodity super cycle in 2010, according to the latest Central Bank figures and the Institute of International Finance. The International Monetary Fund GDP growth forecast for Brazil in 2017 has been revised up from flat to 0.2% in their latest World Economic Outlook. This is a significant improvement from the 3.6% decline experienced last year. As economic growth in Brazil is starting to move in the right direction, with forecasts for 2018 pegged at 1.7%, investor confidence is rising, the budget deficit is falling and inflation is plummeting.…

The Fertilizer Upgrade of the 21st Century

Mankind is faced with the significant challenge of producing more food in the next four decades than we have over the last 10,000 years and we simply will not be able to do so without healthy soils to nourish our crops. Many solutions have been explored throughout history, ranging from organic fertilizers, synthetic alternatives and naturally occurring minerals, all of which have greatly contributed to soil nutrition. Their application was the foundation of the Green Revolution of the 1960s, which famously saved over one billion people from starvation and the practices developed continue to feed over half of the world’s population today.…

Changing the Way We Talk About Climate

Our environment provides the very foundation for all life on Earth, offering the resources and natural services essential to our own survival. It is therefore our responsibility to play an active role in the protection and strengthening of the vast and beautiful world in which we live. With Earth Day scheduled for Saturday, April 22nd, 2017, this week has been filled with celebrations of the decisive and revolutionary movements being made towards a cleaner, safer and more sustainable future.

Our climate tells one of the most important stories of our age, due in part to its symbiotic relationship with global economic development.…

The Sustainable Environment Partnership

Primal Group has joined forces with Unique and Vita to create the Sustainable Environment Partnership, committed to evolving a sustainable future by enhancing, empowering and protecting the local communities and environments in which we operate. The ultimate objective is to transform the archaic system of modern industrial agriculture into one that guarantees the nutritional needs of all are met in a safe, healthy and sustainable way.

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With our focus on developing sustainable agricultural projects, it is our responsibility to empower the surrounding community in which we operate with knowledge of the latest agro-ecological practices available. Our first venture, the Sustainable Future Initiative, has implemented a six-month educational program examining the vast benefits of permaculture in agriculture.…

Nature’s Gift to Mankind

Neem (Azadirachta Indica) is an ancient medicinal tree that has been celebrated for its remarkable healing properties as far back as 5,000 BCE. Described in traditional Indian Ayurvedic texts as Sarva roga nivarini, the universal healer of all ailments, and Nimba, giver of good health, neem’s name is Arista in Sanskrit, meaning ‘perfect, complete and imperishable’. For thousands of years, the neem tree has been used to treat deadly diseases and safeguard personal health.

Fast-forward to present day and all parts of the neem tree are utilized for a wide range of medicinal conditions due to its antimalarial, antifungal, antibacterial, antiviral and antioxidant properties.…

Shaping the New Green Revolution

One of the greatest responsibilities of the current generation is to transform the archaic system of modern industry into one that guarantees that the needs of all are met in a safe, healthy and sustainable way. After generations of prioritizing maximum productivity over sustainability in our socioeconomic endeavors, mankind has caused unprecedented pressures on our most vital resources.

In order to build a safe and secure model for global economic prosperity, we require new and innovative solutions to solve the challenges that face the world.

One such challenge is the ability to sustain our rising populations at a time of arable land degradation, stalling crop yield growth and a constantly changing climate.…