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Recognizing the New Face of Hunger

We have reached a new triple burden of malnutrition, with one in three people around the world either overweight or undernourished and 795 million living in extreme hunger. Two billion survive on diets that lack the vital nutrients necessary for healthy development and another 1.4 billion suffer from overconsumption of energy-dense food. Global food systems are not only failing to keep us all fed, they are failing to keep us healthy.

At first glance we have made incredible progress in securing our global food supply. The World Bank has reported that the number of people living in extreme hunger fell to 11% of the global population, 19% lower than levels seen in 1990.…

How Organic Farming Strengthens Global Food Security

“Organic agriculture has the potential to secure a global food supply, just as conventional agriculture is today, but with reduced environmental impact.”

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations

Our current global food system is ineffective and, at the same time, dangerous to global health and the environment. We have maximized productivity, without taking into account the tremendous global consequences, in order to feed the world’s rising population. And yet, global food security remains a considerable challenge. During this time of exponential population growth, environmental degradation and slowing yields in agriculture, sustainable farming holds a significant and potentially life-saving solution.…

Europe On the Verge of Banning Neonics

This is great news for bees and the environment. For years, evidence that these chemicals harm bees has been mounting. Now governments must eliminate these chemicals once and for all… and support the transition towards ecological methods of pest control.”

Franziska Achterberg, EU Food Policy Director of Greenpeace (2017)


The European Commission of the European Union has drafted a new regulation that would implement a comprehensive ban of neonicotinoids, the world’s most widely used insecticide. This new proposal would eliminate the use of neonicotinoids on any crops cultivated for commercial use, with the only exception being in heavily controlled environments such as closed greenhouses.…

The Move Towards Sustainable Agriculture with Dr. Luis Téllez

Agriculture must be transformed into a system that meets the nutritional needs of all in a safe, environmentally friendly and regenerative manner.

According to the United Nations Food and Agriculture organization, crop yields around the world are not increasing quickly enough to support the global population expected in 2050. Climate shifts in the form of temperature volatility, rainfall variation and the frequency of severe weather events add even further pressure to the global food system. This also applies to the pervasive use of synthetic agrochemicals, which is one of the major causes of global land degradation and desertification. We must secure our global food supply by sustainably increasing productivity, enhancing resilience to climate volatility and reducing greenhouse gas emissions where possible.…

Solving the Mystery of Monsanto’s Glyphosate

In the 42 years since Monsanto first commercialized glyphosate, the active ingredient found in RoundUp, 9.4 million tons of the chemical have been sprayed on the world’s crops. While this has reportedly helped increase crop yields around the world, many experts have expressed major concerns over the associated health and environmental impacts associated with such pervasive use.

This poses a significant question – is glyphosate a cheap, safe and effective solution in agriculture, or is it a dangerous synthetic compound that damages global health and our food supply? One thing we know for sure is that we have yet to fully understand glyphosate’s impact.…

Synthetic Pesticides: Determining Fact from Fiction

“Reliance on hazardous pesticides is a short term solution that undermines the rights to adequate food and health for present and future generations.”

United Nations Report on the Right to Food, 2017


The United Nations Human Rights Council has released a large and convincing body of evidence that synthetic agricultural pesticides have catastrophic impacts on human health, the environment and our global food supply. The report also revealed the extent in which global corporations responsible for manufacturing these synthetic chemicals have systematically misinformed the public through aggressive marketing tactics and heavy lobbying of governments, all of which have obstructed, reformed and paralyzed global pesticide restrictions.…

The Real Story of Population Growth

“Population is the driver of just about everything and rapid population growth can exacerbate all kinds of challenges.”

Adrian Raftery, Professor at the University of Washington


The world is changing fast. Global population hit 7.4 billion in 2016, an increase of just over 2 billion since 1990. The United Nations forecast that our populations will keep growing, reaching 8.5 billion in 2030, 9.7 billion in 2050 and 11.2 billion in 2100.

Much of this growth will occur in the developing world. More than half of the global population growth between now and 2050 is expected to take place in Africa.…

Disrupt, Innovate and Populate to Solve a Global Grand Challenge

If you want to become a billionaire, you must first help a billion people.


With an investment strategy that stretches beyond just financial return, we forge a path in the world that helps people, protects the planet and generates profit.

Primal Group strives to create real value by shaping the new era of sustainability in order to provide benefits for all. By addressing the fundamental needs of mankind, the objective is to generate long-term and competitive returns alongside a positive global impact. One grand global challenge exists within agriculture, food production and sustaining a global population facing exponential growth at a time of severe arable land degradation and steadying crop yields.…

Securing the Triple Bottom Line: People, Planet and Profit

In a few decades, machine intelligence will surpass human intelligence, leading to a shift in civilization so profound that it will cause a rupture in the fabric of human history.

Mankind is evolving at a faster rate than ever before. The common view of the future is misguided as our biological, intuitive and linear sense of development is being overshadowed by the historical and exponential trend of technological innovation and progress. With scientists around the world discovering how to customize genetic code, deep-learning algorithms outperforming human specialists in diagnostics and automatic cars predicting road collisions seconds before they happen, the future of mankind will be profoundly different.…