Tag: biodiversity

Mainstreaming Biodiversity for Global Prosperity

“We have reached a turning point. Agriculture and biodiversity have often been regarded as separate and even conflicting concerns, yet they are inextricably connected. Agriculture is by nature a major user of biodiversity, but it also has the great potential to contribute to its protection.”

– María Helena Semedo, Deputy Director of the UN Food & Agriculture Organization, 2016 –


In a world on the verge of its Sixth Great Extinction, hundreds of politicians and businesses representatives gathered at the latest United Nations COP13 Forum in Mexico to determine how biodiversity can be prioritized and maintained through socially responsible business practices.…

Preserving Biodiversity to Save the World

We are now witnessing the first signs of the planet’s sixth mass extinction, the last of which occurred over 65 million years ago and was caused by an asteroid hitting our planet, resulting in giant tsunamis, powerful earthquakes and acid raid that obliterated 70% of all species over a period of 33,000 years.

This time human interference will be the major catalyst.

According to the latest data released by the World Wildlife Fund and the Institute of Zoology, the global populations of fish, birds, mammals, amphibians and reptiles are at risk of a 67% decline by 2020 from levels first documented in 1970.…