September 15, 2016

The True Versatility of Neem

by Carmen in News

After generations of prioritizing maximum productivity over sustainability in our socioeconomic endeavors, mankind has caused unprecedented pressures on our most vital resources that require new and innovative solutions.

Neem is one solution. Integral to the survival and prosperity of mankind, this marvellous tree is set to change from an under-developed gift of nature to a powerful and globally utilized resource. One of the most versatile trees on the planet, neem offers innovation where we need it most – across agriculture, healthcare, beauty and environmental protection.


Feeding the world is a considerable challenge, especially with a rising global population expected to reach 10 billion by 2050, 33% of the world’s total arable land already degraded beyond use and crop yields at risk of serious decline in the near future. Compounding this issue is the pervasive use of synthetic agrochemicals in modern agriculture. Each year an estimated 200 million tons of agrochemicals were applied to farmland around the world. A cost-effective and nontoxic solution to synthetic agrochemical use in modern agriculture, neem is effective against over 500 species of insects, strengthens soil nutrition and increases livestock health. To improve agricultural practices, agencies such as Cooperative for Assistance and Relief Everywhere (CARE), and Association for India’s Development (AID) have been actively promoting neem based bio-pesticides and fertilizers in Southeast Asia, the Caribbean, South and Central America as well as Africa. This has further propelled a market for neem-based pesticides and fertilizers that has already reached $261.3 million this year. By 2022 the market is expected to have reached $742.6 million at a compound annual growth rate of 16.2%.

A tree with mul­ti­ple ben­e­fi­cial prop­er­ties, neem-based solutions are play­ing an increas­ingly impor­tant role in natural medical care. All parts of the neem tree contain a wide range of med­i­c­i­nal benefits due to its anti­malar­ial, anti­fun­gal, antibac­te­r­ial, antivi­ral and anti­car­cino­genic prop­er­ties. With over 200 compounds proven to be effective against inflammation, infection, fever, skin disease and dental illness, neem is a solution to a variety of medical ailments. Over the past twenty years, several thousand papers have been pub­lished exploring the plant’s effectiveness as a natural medicine from major institutions such as the Mayo Clinic, University of Oxford and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. World-renowned cosmetic and personal health care brands such as L’Oréal, Garnier, A. Vogel, Dr. Hauschka, Colgate and Avon have realized the immense advantages of utilizing natural products such as neem. Currently at $194.5 million, the neem market for health and personal care products is expected to reach $554.5 million by 2022 at a CAGR of 16.3%.

Every single living being on the planet benefits from the clean air, water, and climate regulation provided by forests, and at least 1.6 billion people depend directly on forests for food, fuel, shelter and income. In the last 40 years, more than one billion acres of tropical forests have vanished. The pace of deforestation is so great it accounts for 15% of global carbon dioxide emissions annually. By utilizing available atmospheric COin photosynthesis, trees and forests provide a simple and effective natural ‘sink’ for manmade pollutant activities, and are now considered fundamental to managing climate change. For those examining the benefits of planting trees, neem trees tick many of the boxes for its suitability. It has a high rate of photosynthesis and liberates more oxygen than many other tree species, being able to ‘fix’ more than 14 μmol of CO2 m-1 sec-1.

A naturally diversified product with application across several of mankind’s most significant industries, neem production is a rare and valued service in a world where supply is low and demand continues to increase. With the natural world strengthening our ability to solve some of mankind’s most significant challenges, this ‘perfect, complete and imperishable’ gift of nature will become a comprehensive source of health and prosperity for generations.